SQLServerBooster is a free application for DBA’s, developers or people that do management around Microsoft SQL Server ® (all editions including Express), MySQL ®, MariaDB ®, PostgreSQL ®, Oracle ® and Firebird ®, SQLite ®, MS Access ® and need to make backups automatically, compress and send through FTP, Amazon S3 ®, Amazon Glacier ®, Windows Azure ®, Dropbox ®, Rackspace ®, Box ®, Google Drive ®, Google Cloud Storage ® or network.

Supports Relational Databases (RDB) and SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS) databases.

  • Features
    • 100% Free of charge
    • Supports Relational Databases (RDB) and SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS) databases (Read me)
    • Compress (zip), 3 levels of compression, splits into multiple files, up to 95% compression
    • 256-bit AES Encryption and Standard Encryption
    • Sends to FTP, FTPS, Amazon S3 ®, Amazon Glacier ®, Windows Azure ®, Dropbox ®, Rackspace ®, Box ®, Google Drive ®, Google Cloud Storage ® or network folders. Proxy compatible
    • Schedules backup tasks (specific days or every “x” minutes)
    • Configure it to removes old backups automatically
    • Multiple instances and multiple-databases
    • Creates .bak files (full, differential and transaction log or script files)
    • Allow to backup multiple databases at once
    • NO limitation in files size when you upload to any Cloud Service
    • Send email notifications
    • Backups log report
    • Run as a service
    • Elegant and efficient
    • Download [Site 1] [Site 2]
    • Need help? Go to the documentation
    • Gallery
    • FAQ
    • Contact me


  • Version (Download v2.3.15 [Site 1] [Site 2]
    • What’s new?
      • Supports MySQL ®, MariaDB ® and PostgreSQL ®, Oracle ® (exp.exe and expdp.exe), Firebird ®, SQLite ® and MS Access ®
      • Execute SQL Scripts in MySQL ®, MariaDB ®, PostgreSQL ®, Oracle ®, Firebird ®, SQLite ® and MS Access ®
      • Automatically add to the task, the new databases (Applies to the Multi-Database task type)
      • If you use Dropbox ® you will have to Re-Authorize the application
      • Supports new cloud services, Rackspace ®, Box ®, Google Drive ® and Google Cloud Storage ®
      • New Amazon Glacier regions: Europe Central (Frankfurt) and Asia Pacific (Sydney)
      • Google Drive ® and Google Storage ® improvements
      • This new version does NOT work anymore with Windows XP ® also you need to install .NET Framework 4.5.2 ®
    • Improvements
      • Minor GUI changes and fixed bugs
      • Now is possible to assign credentials to the Mirror Copy Paths. This means that it is possible to mirror the backup to UNC folders
      • Added more skin themes
      • The third party control used to create the compressed file, generate files in the Windows temporary folder. In some cases it didn’t delete them. Now it’s fixed and are deleted
      • In some cases if the Windows Region Date Format Configuration didn’t match the “dd/mm/yy” – English, the files were deleted in the FTP server because the day and the month were switched. This is because the third party FTP control generates this error. It’s already fixed
      • Supports MS SQL Server ® 2016 and 2017


  • Beta (Download v2.3.19 [Site 1] [Site 2])
    • What’s new?
      • It’s possible to generate a log file
      • It’s possible to add files/directories to the compressed file. This is only possible when the option COMPRESS is selected
      • When a Multi-Database backup it’s configured, now it’s possible to create a local folder for each database and save the backup there
    • Fixes
      • When a multidatabase backup task for MySQL/MariaDB/PostgreSQL was configured the choosed db’s were not saved. So when the time to run the backup NONE of the databases were backuped
      • Configuring a backup task; when a refresh of all databases were made, it hanged and the database treelist never was reloaded