The goal of this software is to benefit users with a free software. However I have spent many hours in programming and testing it. So please give me credit and do not reproduce it or sell it. See the complete END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT A couple years ago, I found myself in need of an application that could do backups of my client’s databases, compress them and automatically send them through FTP. Some of my clients only have Express version and those capabilities are not available in it. Searching the Internet I found a couple applications that have these capabilities but they were either too expensive (at least to my clients budget!) or the less expensive ones were command based that could make partially what I needed. So I decided to create my own application to satisfy my necessities. I started with something simple, but as I worked in the program, I realized that it would be great if it could perform more tasks, considering that other users could have the same problem I had. That is how I decided to create a more robust application. I have put a lot of my spare time working on this tool, as well as some personal fundings to buy software licenses (databases, operating systems, .Net components) to develop it. Furthermore, I’m very enthusiastic in developing new features and support new versions of databases and OS. So it would be nice if you collaborate to make this happen. Finally, with your donations you will be collaborating with charities in my country Guatemala. In Guatemala, the elder population has very little or almost none attention from public institutions, most of them, when family members are unable to support them, end up in the streets asking for money. My grandfather was an elder man who needed special assistance and had our family support, but not all people is so lucky, this is what opened my eyes to this necessity in my country. This situation has opened my eyes about the wonderful job institutions like Cabecitas de Algodón and SENILIA do to give elder women and men dignity, comfort, and respect through the end of their lives. I have no personal relationships with the staff of neither one of these institutions, the donations that will be given are charity. If you have any suggestions or improvements or just want say something just send me an email support at sqlserverbooster dot com You don’t need too much resources, is designed to consume as few resources as possible to avoid impacting your computer use. SQLServerBooster will work on Windows XP and up. Besides you need .NET Framework 4. Versions and editions tested Note: This doesn’t mean that don’t work in other SQL Server versions and editions, it’s just I don’t have access to try on those others. If you already tried it, let me know to update this section. Versions tested Absolutely NOT. For any reasons the software writes (insert/updates/delete/alter) any information in your databases. I DON’T gather any information about your servers, databases or data. Usually you only need to be sure that the user you choose to configure the backup task has the grants to do a backup operations in your servers and databases. With the option REMOTE (Script) you have to be sure that the user has access to read the sys tables. Example ‘sys.types’ and ‘sys.schemas’. This option instead of make a ‘.bak’ file, generates a script file with all the database schema and data. Be aware that with the TIMESTAMPS data type the behavior is the same as if you generate your script with Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, and this is simply not to generate the insert specific to this type of columns. You have to be sure that the user has access to read the sys tables. Example ‘sys.types’ and ‘sys.schemas’. Since MS SQL Server ® 2008, Microsoft introduces the capability of compress natively the backup. Not all the editions support this option. I suggest always check this feature, if it is not available doesn’t matter, because SQLServerBooster internally always check it before apply. If you want to know more about this feature read this article in MSDN. To improve SQLServerBooster some usage statistics are collected:Common doubts
Technical doubts
Why is it free?
Why and how to donate?
Who do you help with your donations?
System requirements
Database versions and editions tested
Operating System versions tested
The software writes into my databases or gather any information?
What kind of users can make backups?
How works the REMOTE (Script) option?
What it is MS SQL Server Backup Compression option?